[Image]  , 4878 byte(s). [Image]  , 3388 byte(s).
Zbigniew Smichurski of Poland who is a relative of and is looking for relatives of former BFEC employee Joseph Maleszewski who is listed on our BFEC MEMORY page. There are or were relatives in Maryland and the Dallas, Texas area. Please contact Mr. Smichurski at his email address here, smichurski@wp.pl if you have any information on Joseph Maleszewski.

Posted April 28

Steve Edwards is looking for Cliff Banyas from BFEC/GSFC at the old Aerospace Building and the NCC. Cliff worked with the team and was an ex B17 ball turret gunner and I believe had retired way down South (South America) in the late 80s(?). Contact Steve Edwards at his email address here, edwards48@verizon.net if you have any information on Cliff.

Posted 5 April

[Image]  , 802 byte(s). [Image]  , 2007 byte(s).